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"Stefan cel Mare" Elementary School Cetatea de Baltă

“Ștefan cel Mare” Cetatea de Baltă is in the rural area, at 20 km from Blaj and 65 km from Alba Iulia. It has a juridical personality and the following structures are subordinated: G.P.N. Cetatea de Baltă, the Elementary School Tătârlaua and G.P.N. Tătârlaua.  It functions in three building. The main building was built in 1978, being expanded through a PHARE Project in 2006. The second building was built in 1948 and was renovated in 2009. This is where both sections (Romanian and Hungarian) of the nursery school are housed.

Tătârlaua structure has only one building built in 1938 and was renovated in 2013. The courses are held in two shifts here.

In both schools the educational activities are carried out in a pleasant environment, with adequate furniture for active-participative activities, by means of modern audiovisual materials.

Our school has a key role in the community in what concerns the training of the young generation for being responsible citizens, socially integrated. There is a good cooperation between our school and the students’ parents, the medical staff, the loal authorities and the police, especially for the prevention of school drop outs

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